Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases | Vol. XVI, No. 3, Year 2013
ISSN 1454-3389  |  e-ISSN 2069-6051
ISSN-L 1454-3389
DOI: 10.37897/RJID


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CONTENTS  |  CUPRINS  Vol. XVI, Nr. 3, 2013


1. World Health Organization international standard to harmonize assays for detection of Hepatitis E virus RNA
Sally A. Baylis, Johannes Blumel, Saeko Mizusawa, Keiji Matsubayashi, Hidekatsu Sakata, Yoshiaki Okada, C. Micha Nubling, Kay-Martin O. Hanschmann, and the HEV Collaborative Study Group

2. Special feature: a decade in biosecurity assessing a decade of public health preparedness: progress on the precipice?
Elin A. Gursky, Gregory Bice

3. Efectul inflamatiei asupra valorilor serice ale antigenului specific prostatic in patologiile frecvente ale prostatei
Cosmin Victor Ene, Corina Ene (Nicolae), Emanoil Ceausu, Petronela Ionescu, Ilinca Nicolae

4. Influence of Helicobacter pylori infection on the response to antihistamines treatment in chronic idiopathic urticaria patients
Dr. Lucia Dinu, Dr. Ilinca Nicolae, Prof. Dr. Emanoil Ceausu, Prof. Dr. Dumitru Justin Diaconu

5. Inflamatia si seroprevalenta infectiei cu virusul hepatitei C la pacientii cu urticarie cronica idiopatica
Lucia Dinu, Ilinca Nicolae, Corina Ene (Nicolae), Emanoil Ceausu, Petronela Ionescu, Cristina Calomfirescu, Simona Roxana Georgescu

6. Modificari ale nivelului seric de BNP (Polipeptid natriuretic tip B) asociate exacerbarilor bronhopneumopatiei cronice obstructive
Dr. Simona Stefania Bucsa, Prof. Dr. Petre Iacob Calistru, Dr. Cristina Voinea

7. Studiu clinic privind criteriile de monitorizare a tratamentului cu entecavir in hepatitele cronice cu virus B
Elena Lelia Iordache, Gheorghita Aron, Omer Cecil, Raluca Oprea, Liliana Preotescu, Dan Georgescu

8. Infectia cu VHC si ateroscleroza subclinica
Angelica Nour-Dinca, Petre Iacob Calistru



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