Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases | Vol. 27, No. 4, Year 2024
ISSN 1454-3389  |  e-ISSN 2069-6051
ISSN-L 1454-3389
DOI: 10.37897/RJID


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Editorial Council

in extenso version



Assoc. Prof. Corneliu Petru POPESCU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Honorary Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Emanoil CEAUSU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Founding Editor

Prof. Ludovic PAUN, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Coordinating Editors

Assoc. Prof. Cristiana OPREA, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Lecturer George S. GHERLAN, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Honorary Editors

Prof. Petre CALISTRU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Assoc. Prof. Dan DUICULESCU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Assoc. Prof. Simin-Aysel FLORESCU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Senior Editors

Prof. Viorel ALEXANDRESCU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Victoria ARAMA, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Manuela ARBUNE, MD, PhD - Galati, Romania

Lecturer Carmen CHIRIAC, MD, PhD - Targu Mures, Romania

Assoc. Prof. Alexandru CRISAN, MD, PhD - Timisoara, Romania

Assoc. Prof. Iulian DIACONESCU, MD, PhD - Craiova, Romania

Assoc. Prof. Molnar GEZA, MD, PhD - Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Assoc. Prof. Mihaela LUPSE, MD, PhD - Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Prof. Iosif MARINCU, MD, PhD - Timisoara, Romania

Prof. Egidia MIFTODE, MD, PhD - Iasi, Romania

Prof. Sorin RUGINA, MD, PhD - Constanta, Romania

Associate Editors

Prof. Carlo GIAQUINTO, MD, PhD - Padova, Italy

Prof. Andrzej HORBAN, MD, PhD - Warsaw, Poland

Prof. Mario MONDELLI, MD, PhD - Pavia, Italy

Prof. Meltem TASBAKAN, MD, PhD - Izmir, Turkey

Editorial Secretaries

Simona CAZACU – Bucharest, Romania

Maria Cristina HOARA, MD – Bucharest, Romania

Managing Editor

Mihai-Cristian POPESCU, MD - Bucharest, Romania



Prof. Viorel ALEXANDRESCU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Virology)
Prof. Victoria ARAMA, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Manuela ARBUNE, MD, PhD - Galati, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Petre CALISTRU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Dumitru CARSTINA, MD, PhD - Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Emanoil CEAUSU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Lecturer Carmen CHIRIAC, MD, PhD - Targu Mures, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Assoc. Prof. Alexandru CRISAN, MD, PhD - Timisoara, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Silviu CONSTANTINOIU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Surgery)
Prof. Augustin CUPSA, MD, PhD - Craiova, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Assoc. Prof. Iulian DIACONESCU, MD, PhD - Craiova, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Vlad DIMA, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Neonatology)
Prof. Olga DOROBAT, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Clinical Microbiology)
Assoc. Prof. Simin-Aysel FLORESCU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Assoc. Prof. Molnar GEZA, MD, PhD - Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Epidemiology)
Lecturer George S. GHERLAN, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Maria Cristina HOARA, MD – Bucharest, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Assoc. Prof. Mihaela LUPSE, MD, PhD - Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Iosif MARINCU, MD, PhD - Timisoara, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Egidia MIFTODE, MD, PhD - Iasi, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Lucian NEGRUTIU, MD, PhD - Timisoara, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Lecturer Maria NICA, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Microbiology)
Assoc. Prof. Cristiana OPREA, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Constantin POPA, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Neurology)
Assoc. Prof. Corneliu Petru POPESCU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Virology)
Prof. Sorin RUGINA, MD, PhD - Constanta, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Adrian STREINU-CERCEL, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Ana Maria VLADAREANU, MD, PhD - Bucharest, Romania (Haemathology)


Prof. Cristian ACHIM, MD, PhD - San Diego, USA (Histopathology)
Prof. Carlo GIAQUINTO, MD, PhD - Padova, Italy (Pediatrics)
Prof. Tiberiu HOLBAN, MD, PhD - Chisinau, Republic of Moldova (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Andrzej HORBAN, MD, PhD - Warsaw, Poland (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Mike McKENDRIC, MD, PhD - Sheffield, United Kingdom (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Mario MONDELLI, MD, PhD - Pavia, Italy (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Davey SMITH, MD, PhD - San Diego, USA (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Meltem TASBAKAN, MD, PhD - Izmir, Turkey (Infectious Diseases)
Prof. Adriana VINCE, MD, PhD - Zagreb, Croatia (Infectious Diseases)


Editorial Council - in extenso version with affiliation details [pdf]




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